There are some Organizations and People in Sub-Saharan Africa that know what the right solutions are, how to engineer the right solutions and want to be part of The Solution. They are different from talkers, because they are active. If this sounds like an organization you belong to, contact us to get listed.
This is a group for business owners or managements or entrepreneurs interested in growing their business from a Local Ibadan Brand to a Global Brand. You must know what you need (meaning where you want to take your business); as a group we will come up with how to get what you need (meaning how to get you there), but you need to have the discipline to follow through. All business skills and experience levels are welcome. We started this group in order to help each other grow, not to harbor each other.
Connect with Ibadan Business Network (IBN);
Twitter: @IbadanBN
They are different from talkers, because they are active. If this sounds like an organization you belong to, contact us to get listed!