Why does your company require employees to take compliance training? Are you fulfilling regulatory requirements? Following industry standards? Proving that you take compliance seriously? Or is compliance training one of the corrective actions taken when employees make errors?
Under increasing regulatory pressure, management teams can sometimes forget that the goal of compliance training is to make sure the company complies with government regulations. It is not merely another line item that must be checked off for record-keeping purposes so that regulators and governance oversight bodies believe you have created a culture of compliance. If the training doesn’t give employees the tools and knowledge they need to support the company’s compliance efforts, it’s a waste of time and money.
If you require employees to spend a pre-determined amount of time completing training classes, or you use training as a punitive measure, your employees may not focus on the most important information when taking the training. The goal is to ensure your company complies with applicable laws. Compliant practices must be part of everyday operations. If you measure success by completing training classes, you are missing the point.
Compliance training can only be successful if employees integrate compliance knowledge and priorities into their work on a regular basis. Contact us to find out how Ladlas Prince can help assess your compliance training program to ensure your organization is reaching its compliance goals.