Cyber Solutions & Services

Cybersecurity is everyone’s business today, and its importance will continue to grow as more types of critical information are digitized throughout all spheres of our lives!

Data Breach Analysis

It’s not a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when” data breach analysis will be needed as either a preventive or remediation measure. As organizations continue to digitize more business-critical information, the threat of internal and external system breaches become more serious. In many cases, they may remain unnoticed for long periods of time, allowing the scope of damage to further expand. Our analyses will help you complete a risk assessment to identify any vulnerability in your organization, determine if a breach has already occurred, and manage current or future remediation projects.

Contact us if your organization has a data breach, if other cybersecurity analyses failed to reach conclusions, or to come up with an implementable resolution to an issue.

Cybersecurity Consulting

Given the variety of security threats, combined with an increase in cybersecurity firms and their proposed solutions to decrease vulnerability, it can be confusing to determine how to best serve the needs of your organization and customers. Our cybersecurity consulting and implementation services can help you analyze the issues, followed by planning and executing solutions.

Using our consultant services can streamline developing specific privacy and security best practices and policies to minimize cyber-attack damage. Our Cybersecurity Consulting services can greatly benefit e-commerce companies that might face growing threats of e-crimes in the future.

Cybersecurity Operation Center Design

A well-designed Cybersecurity operation center is information security at its best. While designing, establishing and operating, the center might seem costly initially; it can provide your organization the best cybersecurity there is. These security centers are designed to protect the critical data, plus monitor and protect servers, networks and workstations. Center operations evaluate all of the information about your IT infrastructure activities to detect threats and immediately act.

Contact us:

  • If you need a COC/CSOC and want affordable options for building out the system.
  • Contact us if you need a COC/CSOC and are looking for a cost-effective solution without setting up the in-house security framework and infrastructure.
CyberSecurity Plan/Implementation

Having a thorough cybersecurity plan based on threat analysis and other crucial metrics is a first step to making your organization’s cyberspace secure. But without proper implementation, the greatest plan can fail. Helping our customers develop a cybersecurity plan or implement their cybersecurity plans/solutions can give them confidence that their business is under the best protection possible.  Let us help engineer and implement your cybersecurity solutions the right way.

Cyber/Operational Security Integration

Today’s cybersecurity systems can be extremely robust, but also overwhelming. They consist of dozens of different tools to manage multiple types of security measures. Managing many different solutions at once can be too costly or nearly impossible for certain businesses. The answer is integration of security functions and tools into normal business operations to make managing cybersecurity much easier and effective.

If you are operating a wide net of facilities like a chain of healthcare providers, hire us to help simplify and consolidate security measures for a cost-effective and comprehensive solution.

Comprehensive Protection Solutions (CPS)

Data protection and information security are critical for every type of organization. Threats that compromise your system continue to grow in number and complexity. Our comprehensive protection solutions are designed to cover all the bases to protect business and technology infrastructures. Whether you need operational security, physical security, data encryption, network security, mobile security, application security or DDoS protection, our CPS will help protect your organization with little to no disruption to your business operations.

Identity Management Solutions & Support

Providing adequate user identity management, authentication and validation is the first step in building a secure information infrastructure. While there may be many useful techniques to prevent unauthorized access, including a conditional access policy or multi-factor authentication, they are of limited value without proper identification to begin with. We offer solutions and support to manage this genesis of security for you.

If you want to make sure your employees’ or vendors’ identities are properly vetted prior to giving them system access, contact us.

Any organization with sensitive data, including NPPI or medical records, needs to have a robust identity management program.

Identity & Access Management Services

If you need to make sure the right people have access to the right information at the right time? Contact US

We take a common sense approach to balancing security needs with operational accessibility to build an overall security plan and posture. We can help you to save time and money by making sure the right people can quickly access the right systems for their business functions.  Allowing authorized users to efficiently prove their identities and log into your system, while keeping the wrong people out of your network, is the centerpiece of our access management plan and work. If your systems reside in the cloud, this can be an even more critical part of your overall security plan.

Contact us for your free diagnostic report.


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