General Accounting Services

All types of organizations need general accounting functions to be as successful as possible

Accounting Information Systems

The times for paper accounting and bookkeeping are almost completely over. We now live in the world of digital accounting, which is more reliable, faster, and better suited for today’s tasks and challenges. Accounting information systems are used to collect, store, process and retrieve the company’s financial data, and can make the jobs done by accountants, management, analysts and auditors much easier. Let us help you to implement an accounting information system to best suit your business and industry.

Cost Accounting

In today’s highly competitive market, Cost Accounting can be one of the building blocks for competitive production and pricing strategies. Cost accounting is a process of establishing the cost of generating your product or service by capturing expenses at every step of the production and distribution process. Fixed cost allocation can be challenging in some organizations and industries. Let us show you different cost methods as applicable to your organization’s circumstances and needs. We can help prepare your organization for audits, deliver cash flow and other management reports, and calculate your job costs so you’ll know that the price you’re asking covers your costs with a reasonable profit.

Financial Accounting

Our financial accounting packages integrate accounting with financial reporting services. We can help evaluate and implement new or improved accounting standards and manage the associated financial reporting processes. If you are looking for help with tracking financial transactions and generating financial reports, then our financial accounting services may be the right answer for you.

Financial accounting is necessary for every size and type of organization, and financial statements or reports provide management, regulators, bankers and other stakeholders with periodic measurements of the organization’s financial position.

Management Accounting

Our management accounting services will help you prevent missing opportunities and making bad financial decisions. Management accounting is the process of analyzing the abundance of accounting information to make more informed decisions. We can give you timely, relevant and statistical financial information to use when making key decisions, driving performance and maximizing profits. Reports include a break-even analysis, profit margin analysis, profit and loss statement, balance sheet, cash flow report, accounts receivable (AR) report, AR aging report and balances, and creditor list or aging report.

Financial Management Services

The focus of our financial management services is to provide insight into the organization’s financial statements and how they relate to and support other management enterprises. We can help your organization build an efficient and reliable financial management process and system. 


Preparing and filing your organization’s taxes is a compliance and cost savings function. But calculating the correct taxes and paying all necessary federal, state and local taxes on time and without mistakes can be tricky if you try to do it on your own. For sales tax, payroll tax, excise tax, use tax, property tax and income tax, our tax professionals will make sure that your organization files the correct returns and makes the appropriate payments without delay using the best software and tax advantages for your circumstances and industry.

From simple to complex returns, our job is to help you meet your goals to keep your money for as long as possible and pay as little as possible.

Our personal tax filing services focus on you and your circumstances. We also have a niche in providing US tax services to individuals living outside of the United States or with other tax issues.

Funds/Grants/Loans Facilitation

As a facilitator, we have the capacity to help you with your funds, needs, application and packaging.  For your Trade, Project and Corporate finance needs, contact us.  

Professional Firms Support

Most professional service organizations (PSO) are micro-small business and mainly less than 5 personnel.  Be it a law firm or engineering firm, we have budget-friendly service packages for PSOs.

Local small or large CPA firms can leverage us, contact us to discuss how your firm can leverage our us.


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