The threat of website accessibility litigation can loom large when companies offer products, services and employment opportunities on their websites. Many companies are evaluating and upgrading web functionality to give consistent access to those who use screen readers to read through online page content.
The Department of Justice’s delay in promulgating regulations regarding website compliance standards increases the likelihood of lawsuits. Employers, financial institutions and other types of businesses whose websites are not compatible with assistive technologies may be violating ADA guidelines.
Attorneys specializing in Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) litigation can pursue lawsuits against firms whose websites are not fully accessible for those with sight impairments. Plaintiffs may be eligible for monetary damages should the case go to trial or be settled out of court. Federal courts have not published consistent opinions on whether websites are subject to ADA accessibility requirements.
Many companies are making accommodations or upgrading their websites to avoid costly litigation. Contact veteran-owned Ladlas Prince for a compliance review of your website and to assist in ensuring your site meets changing ADA standards.