Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Solar is the fastest growing renewable energy in the USA. It is becoming cheaper and cheaper. Monthly, a new industry low is set or broken. September 2017, the U.S. Department of Energy announced the U.S. solar industry’s 2020 utility-scale solar cost target of US $0.06/kWh is already achieved, three years ahead of schedule and now moving toward the 2030 goal of $0.03/kWh.

This increasing affordability is creating popularity and is creating multiple avenues for entrepreneurs to start or grow solar businesses. Solar Energy Auditing, Solar Panel Installation, Solar Product Distribution, Solar Product Manufacturing, Solar System Repairing & Maintenance are examples of low cost startup or existing businesses in this solar industry. Little to say, small businesses rule in the solar industry.

From startup to large solar businesses, challenges for these entrepreneurs include business processes, site survey, system designs, change orders, due to data accuracy.

Let us help you to:
  • Improve your profitability
  • Capitalize on your competitive advantage
  • Achieve data accuracy
  • Adopt sustainable project management
  • Mitigate your risk
  • Attract & retain top talent
  • Make the world a brighter, safer, healthier and richer place

Green Businesses

Solar Energy Businesses
